2019 was a HUGE year for me! I grew as a person in so many ways but especially relationship-wise and career-wise. I got married (the number 1 highlight of my year) and really grew and found myself in my job. Am I the best in my branch of SMB Pinterest? HECK NO!! But I have put myself in uncomfortable situations, learned A LOT, made such good friends, and learned from my mistakes. Here is a little 2019 Year Recap.
**For some reason, I wasn’t able to upload the rest of my pictures. Sorry about that, but I figure this blog post is mostly for me and my memories.
January – New Job
I started a new job at Pinterest on January 7th. In short, what I do is help businesses advertise on Pinterest. If you ask my manager, now almost a year later, I’m not the same person who he hired for his team (in a good way).

- I started doing more hair videos
- We went on our 1 snowboarding trip for the season
- I got so sick
- I started going to the gym more consistently

**I also hated my dress for my wedding so I found a new one… here is the one I first picked out.
February – Traveled to WA
We traveled to Washington for Bryan’s brother’s welcome home from his mission and got to visit with their family. This was the first time I ever met Steven so the stakes were high. We also celebrated our 1 year dating anniversary over this trip.
- We registered for our wedding
- Received our invites and started sending them out
- I started wearing more fashionable outfits
- Went to Idaho to see my nephew Reece get baptized

March – Mish Mosh Month
So much wedding planning and prep, still figuring out my job, and planning for the future. There wasn’t one particular thing that happened. But here are some pictures of what I got.

April – Wedding Madness
So this month was crazy, but also not too bad because we just had to wait for the time to come to leave for Washington for the wedding. We live in Utah if you don’t know but we grew up in Washington (5 minutes away from each other our whole lives). My parents just recently moved to Utah to be close to all the kids so just Bryan’s family still lives in Washington. We did all the prep in Utah, basically planned a destination wedding, but not a cool place and then had to pack everything and drive it to Washington. I also had to prep everything for work before I left because I was leaving for 2 weeks but still working the first week and the next week, we would be on a boat with no service.
- Steven and Lenna came to visit us
- Got my wedding weave done
- Had my final dress fitting (it wasn’t going to get done until 3 days before we left for Washington)
- I got my church endowments out (it’s an LDS thing)
- I had my family bridal shower
- Drove to Washington
- Got our wedding license
May – Marriage & Honeymoon
Bryan and I got married to all of our family in Seattle, Washington and had our wedding reception for our family and friends to help us celebrate along with our Bachelor and Bachelorette Parties. We then went on a Bahamas cruise for our honeymoon through Royal Caribbean. It was so nice to not worry about anything and have fun just the two of us!
June – 10k as Husband and Wife
Bryan convinced me to run a 10k a week before without training. So we did our first activity as husband and wife. Bryan ran the 10k in 49 minutes and I ran it in about 58 minutes. Not bad for running at high elevation without training.
We also learned a lot about how to be husband and wife, what is real and what is in movies, how to live with someone who grew up in a different way than you, and how to make it work. It was a big change, but a good one.
July – Blake Family Reunion in Perry, UT
All of Blake’s now live in Utah, we have been getting together a lot more frequently which is fun but also very different for us. We all went to a Jazz game together with the kids and my brothers.
We all got together for the 4th of July in Perry. We went to the lake, had a BBQ, lit fireworks, and our annual Blake Lip Sync Battle.
Bryan and I spent a lot of time at Willard Bay swimming, kayaking, and paddleboarding whenever we could. We got a paddleboard for our birthday, that we share (paddleboard and our birthday).
August – Vacation Mode
We went to Green River to camp and go hiking and got the best melons EVER! We also visited our friends in Bear Lake for hiking and paddleboarding.
September – Grinding
Bryan started working with the Weber State Football team as a student athletic trainer. He loved being apart of something so big and they went to be district champs.
Amy (my niece) went to her Senior Homecoming and she asked me to come down and do her hair. So I took my nephew, Reece, with me. We ate pizza and hung out the night before.
October – Work Promotion
I got promoted at work to one of the top books in our branch so I work with top brands. So that is what the rest of my year really consisted of, but I was super excited to be recognized for my hard work and for making me work harder…..
November – Nothing
Honestly, nothing to report for November, we just worked and Bryan did so much school. I can’t wait for him to be done. He leaves at 7 am for football every day and doesn’t get home until 7 pm or later.
We went to my brother’s house for our family Thanksgiving and Santa showed up.
December – Holiday Crazzze
As I’m writing this, it is still December and I don’t remember what happened. December is a weird month because parties are happening so you are always busy with your friends and family, but you also just celebrated Thanksgiving with them so it’s this awkward time where you never want to work. Just me?
- Christmas Shopping
- Christmas Festivities
- Work Party
- Work, work, work
- Free prizes at work (I won an Apple Watch, Patagonia jacket for Bryan, and a 65 in TV)
- Christmas lights with friends
- Bryan and I’s first Christmas
- Washington Christmas