2020 was a great start, but I also got glutened, sick and just wanted a refresh and clean out my system. The main reason, I was consuming like 500-700 mg of caffeine a day. Caffeine wasn’t isn’t helping me anymore, so I needed to do a detox.
One of my friends recently became an Arbonne Consultant and posted about the plan and that it was gluten and dairy free. That was a big selling point for me. If you don’t live dairy free, finding a good dairy free/plant based protein powder is basically impossible.
I was already at a pretty good weight, so my results in the way a look or on the scale but I have started to feel so much better. The best result, I am pooping regularly!

What The 30 Day Healthy Journey Came With:
- 2 Bags of Protein
- 2 Boxes of Detox tea
- 1 Box of Digestion Plus
- 2 Boxes of Fizz
- 1 Tub of Greens
- 1 Set of Lemon Cleanse
- 1 Box of Skin Exlicur

Week 1
The first few days were hard. Your body is in major detox and not used to the shakes, greens, healthy foods, and digestion powder. Here are some things I was experiencing:
- Sweating
- Peeing a lot more (I was also consuming a lot more water)
- My stomach made weird noises
- Some cramping
- Very tired
- Headache
These ‘symptoms’ only really lasted 3 days, but the tiredness is something I still experienced up to 2 weeks after. The first week wasn’t too hard, but once it started week 2, I found that I was tired of eating 2 shakes and 1 meal. So, I switched it up a little. I did 1 shake, 1 meal, and a “treat’ with the protein powder.
The powders were pretty good! They are protein powder so they can’t be too delicious you know. The tea is probably the only tea I’ve actually liked. It’s hard to describe. haha. I’m not a normal tea drinker because hot, barely flavored water isn’t good to me, but this tastes right. I do like the fizz. Pomegranate is my favorite.
Here was a normal day of eating at work:
*I do like an intermittent fasting approach, not sure if that is ideal.
- Detox Tea
- Berry Shake with vanilla protein powder, greens, and digestion plus
- Fizz
- Grapes (I’m not sure if it’s Arbonne approved)
- Almonds
- Fizz mixed with Skin Exlicur
- Salmon with cauliflower rice
- Carrots with hummus
- Chocolate Protein, banana, nut butter shake (I used PB2 that I had leftover but you are supposed to avoid peanuts)

Week 2
I’m not gonna lie, I had a Monster. I’m sorry!! I didn’t take any of my fizz to work and I was crashing. This shows how much I need to detox. I am also a drinker, I love drinks. If you look at my work desk, I have about a minimum of 2 drinks I am working on at once. There is also like 5 cups, water bottles, and mugs on my desk.
With this plan, it not only gives you supplements, but gives you a structure for a healthy lifestyle for after so it’s not a diet for a month and you are done. Something that I appreciate.
End of the week: I notice when I am not 100% throughout the day. One day I didn’t incorporate the greens or digestion plus in my morning and I felt a little off. It’s still more food than I am used to so I can be a little ‘bloated’ at the end of the day. I say ‘bloated’ because it’s more like I’m full not actually bloated.
I’m not as tired as the first week. YAY!
I have also noticed my legs are slimming down. This has never happened! Usually when I lose weight, it’s from my arms and my chest, never my legs. I hold all my weight in my saddle bag area and they are going away. I have NEVER had nice legs even though I do legs almost every time I go to the gym.
**I might include my gym routine at the end of this because I have switched it up a little more while on this journey
Week 3
Okay so… this week was good until I went to San Fran for work. I was good for the first day but then I realized I was in SF and they have a lot of gluten free/vegan places that I needed to partake in.
I was good the week leading up to my trip eating the same thing and I also brought the digestion plus and fizz with me, but Pinterest feeds you like every meals and give you free Redbull.
We did a lot of walking so I was still getting exercise.
Recap & Final Thoughts
Even though I didn’t complete the full 30 days, here are my thoughts.
I did feel a lot better when I was eating the way the program suggested and I enjoyed the supplement. They were pretty good (taste-wise). The only thing that I have since repurchased and will continue to buy is the digestion plus. This has been the only thing that keeps regular and I have tried A LOT of pills and supplements. I also do like the Fizz (energy) drink mix mainly because I don’t like just pain water and I still do need some caffeine through out the day.
I noticed results in my legs around the end of the 2nd weeks which is my trouble spot (I don’t have any pictures because I HATE taking those pictures and having them on my phone). My cellulite did go WAY down and my ‘saddle bags’ slimmed down as well.
Overall, I like the program and how it teaches you to eat for the long term and how you can add supplements to enhance your results. I definitely think it works a try to give you a structure to live a healthier lifestyle. But do I think you need to keep repurchasing everything? No, you can find other alternatives for a protein powder that use, here is a blog post about my favorite gluten and dairy-free foods and brands.
I hope this was helpful in order to see if this challenge is right for you!
XO, Annie