At-Home Workouts & Equipment | Affordable & Effective

I am NOT a certified personal trainer or in the fitness space. With all the gyms currently closed, I, like most of you, have to adapt to our new temporary norm. This includes our workout routines.

I live in a small basement apartment and at-home workouts are not ideal, but for now, it has to be my gym.

Lately, at the gym, I was doing a lot of strength (kettlebells and pull machines) mixed with cardio from group fitness classes and cardio machines (stair stepper and treadmill).

I’ve been trying to keep to that routine as I am trying to tone up and lose a little bit of extra fluff.

So, I have been doing research on workout plans & videos that can actually burn calories, that are fun, and I can do in a small space.

Outdoor Workout Options

Running – The weather has been decent here the last few weeks, so I have been trying to go out and run a few days a week. I wouldn’t consider myself a runner anymore, but I sometimes do enjoy running. And with everything going on, running helps lower my anxiety.

My workout outfit is a Lululemon long sleeve, Old Navy puffer vest, Fabletics leggings, and Nike shoes

Hikes, walks, bike rides, or doing the Deck workout is a great way to get out of the house and get fresh air while getting some exercise.

The Deck Workout – If you haven’t heard of the Deck workout, it’s where you choose something to do for each suit, like squats for Hearts, pushups for Diamonds, jumping jacks for Spades, and lunges for Clubs. What card you draw, you do that number of whatever workout the suit is. If you draw a 4 of clubs then you 4 lunges. You can make this as easy or hard as you want.

Online Workout Options

Cardio Classes is a hard one for me to find that I enjoy and that pushes me to do the whole thing at home, by myself. But here in the Utah gyms, High Fitness is huge and they uploaded a workout you can do from home.

If you like cardio mixed with strength while jamming to great music, I really enjoy Mad Fit on YouTube. The only ones I have tried at the Song Workout Playlist, but she also has apartment workouts and full-body workouts as well.

Dance fitness is a big one and if you like to just move your body, I have loved Fitness Marshall for years. Now, for me, it’s not like a crazy calorie-burning workout but if I want to have some fun before I do strength, I recommend!

Instagram Accounts Options

I get most of my strength training ideas for the gym and for at-home workouts from Instagram accounts and then tailor them to what I feel like doing and what equipment I have.

Miss Emma Troupe – She has great booty, arms, and ab routines for the gym as well as home ideas. She also shows how you can target one area of your body with workouts at the gym and at home.

Lauren Gleisberg – I have followed her for years and always has great workouts on her Instagram, but she also has a whole guide to get a great body.

Cara Loren – She is a fashion blogger but has an INSANE body and she has been posting more fitness videos of what she has been doing. They usually don’t require equipment, but if they do, you can modify how you need to.

At Home Equipment

As I said at the beginning, I don’t have a lot of room to have a full at-home gym. I have a few essentials that I can use so many different ways for different parts of the body.

Booty Bands – You can do so many leg workouts with booty bands that focus, well on your booty. (Linked are the ones I have)

Pull Up Resistance Band – You can work on any part of your body with a band like this arms, back, and legs.

Sliders – These are fun! These are a great addition to your abs and legs workouts to switch it up.

Handweights – These are obvious, right? Arms, back and even legs if you have a variety of weight.

No matter what you do, there are other options besides going to the gym. So, find something that is achievable for you and your current state and make it happen. You can get as much as you put in during your at-home workouts, if you have ass it, you will only get half an ass….(writing this I thought I was so clever, but maybe not. haha)

Don’t make excuses. You will wish you started earlier. You never regret doing a workout. Only you can make a change.

XO, Annie