Friday Favs – April 17, 2020 – Accessories & Drinks

This week was a hard one. IDK what it was but I wasn’t very motivated even though I tried to be positive and do things to help be productive. So for this week’s Friday Favs, I have accessories that I’ve been wearing, my favorite pre-workout drink, and a supplement that is my new cult favorite.

Enso Rings

Bryan loves to wear silicone rings instead of a more structured ring. I love my wedding ring, but when Enso Rings reached out and asked if I wanted to try them for myself and Bryan, I said why not!

I, of course, got a pink set and I put in on to test it out and I ended up wearing for 2 weeks! It was thin enough where I didn’t notice it or it irritating me throughout the day. I’m picky when it comes to stuff like that.

The first thing that I really liked about these rings is you can feel the quality where they aren’t so stretchy they actually stay on your finger and in place. Bryan has some that we just ordered from Amazon and he plays with it EVERY. SECOND. because it comes off so easily. It drives me nuts! He also really like the look and options they offer because they are silicone, but look like ‘fancier’ ring.

I also really liked that my ring wasn’t getting snagged on things like my hair and clothes. And when I put on lotion, it wasn’t coating my ring and getting in all the little separations.

Small Hoop Earring

This has been a trend that I really like! Small hoops are more comfortable to sleep in as opposed to studs. I didn’t want to spend a lot of money on them so I just got these from Target for $8!

I’m a silver girl so I got small silver hoops and this set came with 3 different size perfect for my 5 ear piercings. They also come in gold!

Celsius Drinks

I love energy drinks! If you know me personally you know my go to is usually the White Monster (YUM!). But I’ve been trying to not drink as much caffeine and cut back on chemicals…blah blah blah. So I tried Celsius (they sell them at Target) and I think they are pretty tasty!

They do have 200 MG of caffeine like a Monster, but it says that it helps burn fat and comes from a healthier source of energy. IDK but they taste good and give me energy so that’s all that really matters.

I’m really liking the Peach Mango one right now!

Digestive Plus

Okay I saved the best for last so hopefully everyone made it through. I did the Arbonne 30 day challenge thing a few months ago (let me know if you want me to review it) and my favorite supplement is the Digestive Plus.

I’m gonna be real for a minute. I can’t poop. I don’t know if my body hates me, but even when I am 100% on my nutrition game, I can go days without pooping.

I am regular when I take this constantly and it works! I’ve heard that some people’s body doesn’t like it but mine loves it! It’s what I need! I can give you the name of my Arbonne girl if you want to try it.

Anyways, those are my Friday Favs! What are some products you are loving this week?

XO, Annie