Having anxiety causes me to toss and turn at night, think about everything, worry about stupid things, and eventually lead to me not getting any sleep. Here are my most recent kindle unlimited book recommendations with my ratings. I didn’t include the plot because then I would most likely ruin it for you.
My solution is to not go to sleep, sleep until I’m exhausted and can’t keep my eyes open anymore. I still get into bed at a reasonable time like 9:30-10 but I am reading until usually 11:30-12 sometimes later.
In my bed I like to read on my iPad because Bryan doesn’t like the bright reading light I have. So I started to buy books on Amazon for the Kindle app but it was getting expensive. And we live in a small town and our library sucks. No new release books or a digital book option.
I have been using the Kindle Unlimited subscription through Amazon for a few months now. You can get 3 months free then after that, it’s $10 a month. Honestly, if you read just one book a month, it’s worth it.
However, they don’t have the new releases but they have some good options which I will continuously update you all on for some recommendations.
Kindle Unlimited Book Recommendations:

The Last Sister – This book was good. I definitely had to keep reading to know what was going to happen next. There was a little romance while solving a crime that stirred up emotion with the characters and the town that kept you on edge. It takes place in Portland where I grew up going to visit my grandma so I felt connected in a way.

Regretting You – This is a young adult novel and if you like drama you will like this. I rank this high because the author did a good job of making you feel connected to the characters and feel sorry for specific ones and pissed off at others. I think I shed a tear at one part but that could be the pregnancy hormones. It really starts off with a bang and just keeps on going.

When We believed in Mermaids – I enjoyed it but there wasn’t really anything too amazing about it. There were definitely things that kept me reading but at the end, I was like, I thought this would be better.

If You Tell – I would give it 4 stars because I read it so fast but it was disturbing… It’s about physical and verbal abuse to children and adults but I had to know how it ended. The things the author came up with made me question if they were abused themselves or just have a very interesting way of thinking. It made me so sad that this happens to kids and adults and people never know. It also took place near my home town so I felt like these people could have been in the town I grew up in.

Verity – This was the first book I read of Colleen Hoover’s and I really liked it. Some reviews I read said it wasn’t as good as her others so I’m excited to read more from her. This book was a love story mixed with a thriller because you didn’t know the truth of what was happening and who was the good guy.

The Pool House – I liked this one and it kept me on my toes. It’s a murder novel and you think you know who it is and then it gives you a new suspect. It takes place in the Hamptons which is my type of fantasy.

Legacy of Lies – I would have done without this one. It’s a murder mystery but the characters were in the 50’s I don’t think I liked that. I’m not really sure what it was. But you definitely think you know what happened literally until the last few pages and the truth comes out.

The Moodlight Child – ⅘ stars. I read this so fast because I had to know what was going on. Haha. At first, I was really confused but then they made the connections. This book also made me question my neighbors…like is there something going on that I should be aware of.
Those are my Kindle Unlimited book recommendations but read below some FAQ’s about Kindle Unlimited and let me know if you have any recommendations!
How to Return Kindle Unlimited Books
You have to go to your Amazon Account under “Account & Lists” then go to “Kindle Unlimited”.

From there you will be able to return your book. Once it’s returned it will show as returned.

You can have 10 books borrowed at one time.
How to Cancel Kindle Unlimited
You have to go to your Amazon Account under “Account & Lists” then go to “Kindle Unlimited”.

From there, on the left, you will see your membership information. You can change your payment type and cancel your membership.

Is Kindle Unlimited Worth it
You can get 3 months for free to test it out. After that, it is about $10.50 with tax every month. If you read even 2 books a month, it is worth it.
They don’t have many “Popular” reads to borrow, but they do have good books. Other books from the same authors that have popular books out now, Editors Picks to help you choose, and it’s super convenient if your public library has a bad section or doesn’t have the digital book option.
I personally think it is because I tend to read at night and I find it more convenient to read in the dark on my Kindle instead of with a book light. And I read about 4-6 books a month and don’t have the time to sift through a library or money to ke
Book Review Rating System
Rating Scale from Megan from Read Like A Boss that I agree with
IT WAS AMAZING! I COULD NOT PUT IT DOWN! I’M TOTALLY OBSESSED! — This book was absolutely breathtaking. I LOVED it. The characters were memorable and had distinct voices. The plot of this book held my attention and was unique, and the pacing was fantastic. These books often stay with me for a long time. After finishing, I can’t stop thinking about it. I have/could reread this book. Highly Recommended!
I WOULD PULL AN ALL-NIGHTER — This book was a really enjoyable read. I really liked it. Some moments I may have even loved. There may be nothing wrong with the book, it just didn’t blow me away. I would recommend this book to most people and think most people would really enjoy this book. Go read this book!
IT WAS GOOD! — This book was good. I didn’t love it and I didn’t dislike it. There may have been a few things that bothered me while reading this book and it may have been slow in parts. I would still recommend this book; it just wasn’t a favorite of mine.
I MAY HAVE LIKED A FEW THINGS — There may have been a few moments that I liked. This rating is often reserved for books that are lacking in some areas—writing, characterization, and/or problematic plot lines. But there may have been some moments of enjoyment for me.
NOT MY CUP OF TEA — I disliked this book and had several issues with it. There wasn’t anything about the book that I enjoyed. Some things in this book may have been offensive to me.