I didn’t spend much on myself during my pregnancy. And I didn’t need to. I didn’t gain too much weight so I wasn’t overly uncomfortable or not fitting in my clothes until towards the end. I made sure I only had the maternity must haves and not much more to survive.

Everybody’s pregnancy is different and experiences different symptoms so this might not help you. But it could put into perspective that you don’t need to go crazy with spending, unless, of course, you want to.
These are just my personal maternity must haves but think these basics are a good start.
I wanted to have a glamorous pregnancy with cute clothes, cute photos, but that wasn’t my reality.
While I was blessed with a healthy and pretty easy pregnancy, I was just tired and felt fat most of the time. I didn’t want to dress cute, didn’t have the motivation to get ready, and didn’t want to spend a lot of money during my pregnancy because the actual tbaby stuff is expensive.

I decided to just live with what I had (mainly clothes-wise) until I no longer fit in my regular clothes. Which was closer to the end of the second trimester beginning of the third.
I did rent maternity clothes from Nuuly when I went to Utah for 2 weeks. The service was really nice and I enjoyed trying different brands. I got a bunch of jeans to try and like 2 of them that I almost bought, but then realized I don’t wear jeans much working from home. So I didn’t.

**If you want to try Nuuly, use this link to save $10 on your first month!
**Linked Similar or exact products below
Slip-On Shoes – These Walmart shoes are so comfy and are APL look-a-likes for only $15! I have an extra pair as backup.
Basic Pregnancy Shirts – At Walmart, they are only $7 and I have white, black, grey, cheetah, and pink tie-dye.
Bodycon/Pregnancy Dress – This Target dress is probably only good for one pregnancy but it’s only $25 and a good length. I got a hole in the seam the 3rd time wearing it but I was able to fix it super easily.

Leggings – Amazon & Lululemon I already had

Joggers – Banana Republic & Old Navy I already had
Oversized T’s and Crewnecks – Bryan’s and ones I already had
Bralette – Amazon & Walmart
Open Cardigan – Flannels & Sweater I already had

My everyday life was just working from home and taking a nap until my husband got home. My first trimester, I have a whole blog post here, was just survival but the below was once again more my third trimester.

The end of the second and the third trimester was where sleeping was hard, my skin was dry, my anxiety was higher, and my back and legs hurt more. Here are some things that helped me.
Pregnancy Pillow – I definitely used this but my husband and I slept in separate beds my last trimester. I couldn’t sleep in general bc I was so large and hard to get comfy and the pillow takes up a lot of room.
Large Tumbler – I need a straw to help me drink more water and I was so thirsty.
Necessaire Body Lotion & Serum – I did a full review on these products and loved them for my dry pregnant skin. And I will continue to me use them. I didn’t get stretch marks so I can’t say if it helps with preventing them. The biggest tip is to keep skin moisturized to help prevent stretch marks.

Lavender Oil – I had this with me the entire pregnancy to calm me and help with my panic attacks since I could take Xanax. I just sniffed through the bottle but didn’t diffuse it it’s just too much for me.
Hair Clips – I needed my hair out of my face but didn’t want to put it up in a ponytail or bun. I just clip my hair like a half-up look.
Heat Pack, Biofreeze, and massager – For my lower back, I would use a rice bag and then put on Biofreeze after a long day. I also hold tension in my shoulders and upper back normally but more so when I was pregnant. I did get some prenatal massages but for the day-to-day, I used this massager. It’s AMAZING!
With my maternity must haves, I recommend having a routine. Honestly, pregnant or not, a routine is good to just have down so you don’t have to think and it’s just second nature.
I tried to walk every morning before work since I didn’t work out at all during my pregnancy. Not that it really matters but I gained 30 lbs during my pregnancy and I was mainly just belly.
Below are some things that I made sure I made time for to help me function as normally as possible and feel good. I tried to do these every day.
Me Time – Once your baby comes, you don’t get much ‘you time’ so I soaked it up as much as I could.

Napped Often – I was so tired the entire time. It didn’t go away after the first trimester.
Lavender Epsom Salt Baths – Helped calm me and relieve some tight muscles and relax at night before bed.
Reading – This really helped my anxiety at night and give me some ‘me time’.
I read on my iPad and read so much that I paid for Kindle Unlimited. I have a blog post here of ones that I recommend if you need some ideas.
Walked As Often as I could – A little exercise and have heard it’s good for delivery.

Didn’t give into every craving – Besides walking, I stretched and didn’t give in to my cravings that often. Maybe it was just me, but my ‘pregnancy cravings’ were just as strong as my regular cravings. Sure, I let myself get froyo a lot and sugary Starbucks drinks but I didn’t eat ice cream and cookies every day or make Bryan go out and get me stuff at 3 am.
High protein meals and snacks – Helped me stay fuller longer and sustain cravings. I had meat sticks and protein bars, protein oatmeal, and usually had chicken and veggies for dinner.
Lots of Water – Obvious, right?
Didn’t Research – Asked Doctor Instead – Do what you want but I found that if I Googled things, I would freak out. If I had a question, I would as my doctor, but I didn’t really have many questions.
If you have high anxiety, I would just download a baby app (I used The Bump) just so I could count down and see how big the baby was and some common symptoms. But don’t Google symptoms, just call your doctor.
Simple Skincare Routine – I was tired at night and didn’t wear much makeup the whole time. So my skincare was super simple and continues to be simple during the fourth trimester with baby here.

Those are just my maternity must haves that got me through my pregnancy.
What are your maternity must haves?
XO, Annie