Motivational Quotes and Free Phone Wallpaper!

I feel like we can all use a little bit of motivation right about now. I have narrowed down a few of my most recent favorite quotes that have motivated me to take action and show up for myself. All the graphics are phone wallpaper approved so feel free to download and keep on your home screen for some motivation.

These quotes are inspired by a few different factors.

  1. My 9-5 job at Pinterest and how to keep me determined and focused while having to adapt to the work from home life when I’m used to going into an office to socialize and connect with my coworkers. 
  2. My blog, to keep me inspired to keep going even though it’s taking time to get the traffic I want, the patience to remember that it takes time, and finding ideas for content to produce.
  3. My health and fitness, but mainly my nutrition. These are some quotes that have really helped me realize the importance of nutrition and how to treat food and my body. 

What are your favorite quotes? What type of quotes motivates you? 

XO, Annie