As new moms, we don’t know what we will really need or use daily that will make our lives a little easier. I have a quick list of my personal new mom essentials that I think everyone can benefit from. Some things are for you as a mom and some are for baby but to help you as a mom.
If you need pregnancy essentials, check out this post.
I had my baby on November 23, 2021, via vaginal birth, had an easy pregnancy, and am breastfeeding. The things I use daily might be different if you had a different delivery, pregnancy experience, or feeding your baby differently.
Affordable Nursing Bras
I wear these nursing bras from Amazon. They came in a pack of 3 and are good for getting the job done. AKA whipping the boob out quick. Are they cute? No. They get lint on them when you wash them, but they are super convenient especially for the price. If I end up breastfeeding for a while, I might get a cuter, more flattering nursing bra. But for now, these are good for hanging out at home.
I just recently got one from Target that is a little nicer but was $23 for 1. This is my ‘going out’ bra. haha.
Quick, Easy Outfits and Get Ready Routine For Mom
I try to ‘get ready’ every day which usually only consists of putting in my contacts and washing my face and putting on sunscreen. This is part of new mom essentials for your mental health. I can find time when she is waking up from a nap. She is very clingy and wants to be held basically all day so finding some time for me is limited so I find it where I can.
Joggers and leggings are obvious choices. I only get ready just in case I want to get out of the house and not look too much like a hot mess.
Here are some of my favorite go to looks I wear on repeat.
**Find more looks on my LTK profile.

Caffeine and Fast Easy Snacks
You’ve probably been told “You’re never going to sleep again,” right? Well, you do it’s just sporadic and exhausting caring for a baby 24/7.
I lived off caffeine while pregnant and before but now so even more.
I personally love Celsius Energy Drinks, specifically the Peach Vibe flavor. I have one every day. It’s my version of coffee in the morning. It’s a little healthier energy drink as opposed to the white Monsters I would have every day in the office. (I still love them though)
I would recommend getting a subscription to your favorite caffeine source so you never have to be without it or forget it during your grocery shopping. I just do my through Amazon and they arrive every month and I don’t have to think about it.
For snacks, I always have protein bars, frozen waffles, pretzels, apples, trail mix, meat sticks, basically things that I can eat with one hand if I need to.
Old Navy Two Way Zipper Sleepers
I thought I would be dressing my little girl up in cute matching sets and dresses. I was wrong!

Since we are at home all day and she is still little, I dress her in two-way zipper pajamas from Old Navy. They are so affordable, cute, and way easier for diaper changes.
Ugly Binkies
My little one is very picky and dramatic. She has only one binkie that she likes. We tried the cute silicone ones from Ryan and Rose, but I think they are too heavy.

She only likes the MAM ones. I got it in a free baby box to try out different binkies and they I went to buy a pack. If you are open to trying a binkie, they are lifesavers.
**I recommend applying for the Baby List Registry box and Buy Buy Baby Box to get some free stuff to try.
Snuggle Me Organic Lounger
I like our Snuggle Me to put her down to nap in when I want to get stuff done around the house. My baby doesn’t really sleep in it often for long periods, it’s more of a transition from napping on me to waking up to quickly get some things done.

I would get it directly from the website here.
Sound Machines – 2 of them
You might be like why do I need two sounds machines?
One for the bedroom and one that is portable. We use our Hatch one every night and the portable one every. single. day. Whether it’s on the go or in the front room if she sleeps in her Snuggle Me next to me.
I have the Hatch+ but I don’t use the night light. At least not yet. Maybe when she is in her own room but for now it’s just the sound we use. I really like it but any sound machine is good.
Some babies hate bassinets and other people co-sleep, but I try to get her to sleep in hers every night. I like mine but I wish I had one that pulled up right against the bed to grab her easier and soothe her without having to get her out.
Bassinets are just smaller cribs to keep in your room when they wake up consistently at night. They don’t really need it but it is night to have.
Weighted Sleep Sack
At night we put her in a weighted swaddle. Swaddling helps them sleep and calm down because it reminds them of the womb. But my little girl doesn’t like being swaddled and moves around so much when she sleeps she wakes herself up. She sleeps the longest when we use it.
We wait for her to be basically asleep and then swaddle her in her Dreamland swaddle which helps her sleep through the night and gets her in a deep sleep and help her from waving her arms to wake her up.
You can purchase here for $$ off!
Doona Stroller/Car Seat
This is a splurge, but I can’t imagine life without it.
This beauty is a stroller and car sear in one. I don’t have any family or help besides my husband and he is working around 10 hours a day. This allows me to feel comfortable running errands with a baby without having to lug around a car seat or get a stroller out of the trunk.

She loves it and it is so easy to travel with.
My only complaint is that it is hard to go shopping if you are getting a lot of things because where are you going to put them?
I might try putting the car seat part in the big part of the shopping cart next time I need to go but we will see.
My tip to get a little discount is to register at Babylist, add it to your list, and once they give you the 15% off of anything from your list, purchase it. It isn’t a huge discount but it helps!
These are the new mom essentials that have helped us survive and figure out the first few months.
What are your new mom essentials?
XO, Annie