13 Simple Long Hair Tips Every Woman Should Know

Do you have long hair or want to get longer, healthier hair? These long hair tips are what every woman needs to know to keep long hair healthy and strong.

long hair tips

When you finally get your hair long, it can sometimes be overwhelming to keep it long and healthy. There is so much contradicting advice out there. These tips are tried and true for someone (me) who has grown her hair from short, platinum blonde hair to long, lived-in blonde hair twice in the last 3 years!

You are going to learn about all the long hair tips from simple hair tweaks, long hair products, and how to have a solid hair care routine.

After learning about these long hair tips, you won’t even have to think twice about how to keep your long hair strong and healthy.

This post is all about long hair tips that every woman needs to know about.

13 Simple Long Hair Tips

1. Gentle Brushing Especially on Wet Hair

Brush your hair gently and avoid doing so when it’s wet, as wet hair is more fragile and prone to damage. A wide-toothed comb is a great choice for detangling without causing breakage.

2. Say No to Excessive Heat Styling

Limit the use of heat-styling tools such as straighteners and curling irons. When you do style your hair, always apply a heat protectant spray to shield it from damage.

3. Regular Trims to Prevent Tangles

Schedule regular trims when your hair starts to tangle easily at the ends. This helps maintain a healthy appearance and prevents split ends.

4. Drying with Care

Instead of letting your hair air dry, consider using a microfiber hair turban to remove excess moisture gently. Follow this with a gentle blow-dry to avoid stressing your wet hair.

long hair tips

Microfiber Hair Towels:

5. Choose Hair Ties Wisely

Opt for soft hair ties made of silk, satin, or nylon. These materials are less likely to tug or break your hair compared to traditional elastic bands.

My Favorite Everyday Hair Ties:

My Favorite Satin Scrunchies:

6. Avoid Over-Bleaching

Excessive bleaching can lead to hair damage. Be mindful of how often you bleach your hair to maintain its health and strength.

7. Show Love to Your Scalp

Treat your scalp with the same care you give your face. Keep it clean and healthy to support strong, vibrant hair growth.

long hair tips

8. Invest in a Silk Pillowcase

Swap your cotton pillowcase for a silk one. This reduces friction and minimizes hair tangling and breakage while you sleep.

9. Establish a Solid Hair Routine

Craft a hair care routine tailored to your needs. Choose the right products, including a suitable shampoo, leave-in conditioner, and hair oil.

Recommended Shampoos:

Recommended Leave-In Conditioner:

Recommended Hair Oil:

10. Find the Perfect Washing Schedule

Determine the ideal hair-washing frequency for your hair type. Avoid over-washing, as excessive water exposure can lead to damage.

11. Keep Your Hair Hydrated

Use a hydrating conditioner or mask on a weekly basis to maintain moisture. On non-wash days, apply hair oil to the ends to keep them nourished.

long hair tips

My favorite hair masks:

12. Lighten Up on Hairstyles

Avoid heavy ponytails or buns that can exert unnecessary stress on your hair. The weight of long hair can strain your hairline and result in hair loss and breakage.

If you need some hairstyle ideas, check out my Pinterest for hairstyle inspo.

13. Prioritize Hair Health

Above all, prioritize your hair’s health and well-being. Your hair is a reflection of your unique style and personality, so treat it with the care it deserves.

These 13 essential long hair care tips are designed for you and what you need for the question of how to keep long hair healthy!

XO, Annie